may, 2024
Event Details
In July 2016, the Directive on the security of Network and Information Systems (NIS) was established. This Directive
Event Details
In July 2016, the Directive on the security of Network and Information Systems (NIS) was established. This Directive aimed to increase cyber resilience across the European Union through regulatory measures. It focused on strengthening cybersecurity capabilities at a national level, enhancing collaboration between Member States and incorporating cybersecurity into the DNA of organizations. The scope of organizations that had to comply with the NIS Directive consisted of two groups: the operators of essential services and relevant digital service providers.
In January 2023, the European Union adopted a new version of the Network and Information Security Directive. This “NIS2” aims to get the EU up to speed and establish a higher level of cybersecurity and resilience within organizations of the European Union.
EU member states will have to transpose NIS2 into their national legislation by October 17, 2024. Organizations should already start preparing their journey toward compliance.
That is why the American Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania and its IT & Digital Solutions Committee invite you to an Exclusive Meeting with the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania and the National Cyber Security Centre to discuss the NIS2 Directive and its implementation at the national level.
The core of the meeting will consist of short keynotes and an engaging Q&A session.
We kindly invite you to join the meeting and discuss the questions that matter to your business!
🟦 Inga Sūnelaitienė, Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania, Head of Cyber Security and IT Policy Group
🟦 Liudas Ališauskas, Director, National Cyber Security Centre under the Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania
MODERATOR: Dr. Ąžuolas Čekanavičius, Partner at Ellex Valiunas and AmCham Board Candidate-Observer
The meeting is free of charge and for the American Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania Members, with priority given to the AmCham IT & Digital Solutions Committee Members.
Register today and secure your spot, the seating is very limited! Register by e-mail to, no later than Tuesday, May 7, 12:00.
Working language: English.
(Thursday) 10:00 - 12:00
Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania
Totorių g. 25, Vilnius